Thursday, November 10, 2011

5 Months and Counting!

Wow it has been WAY too long since we have shared about the Wonders!!!  They are 5 months+ now.  We can't believe we are almost half way to their first birthday!  And as you can see we FINALLY got "newborn" pictures taken and thanks to firefly BLU photography they turned out great!  They are doing great too.  They are now 11 lbs.+ and are in the 50th percentle for height and weight going by their corrected age (their due date).  The only thing they take is a poly-vitamin and they don't need to sleep in their wedges any more for their reflux.  They are now in their own cribs and this past week they slept 7-10 hours 5 out of 7 of the nights!!!  That made for a happy and more well rested mom and dad!  Their eye tests have come out negative for any damage.  They just have one more check at 8 months of age.  Jocie has needed to go back a couple of times for a hearing test because she has failed in one of her ears twice now.  However, the audiologist noticed quite a bit of wax build up after she failed the second time so at our next pediatrician appointment the doctor cleaned most of it out but he did notice some still right up next to the ear drum.  We go one more time to the audiologist in a few weeks and will see the pediatrician the day before to remove as much wax as possible.  The good news is she passed her initial hearing screenings while in the hospital shortly after birth so hopefully it is just the wax that is impeding her hearing at this time.  Jace just began weekly physical therapy because one side of the back of his head is a little flat.  However, the physical therapist can't tell if it's because of tight neck muscles therefore favoring one side while he sleeps or not.  Physical therapy is the most concervative treatment and hopefully it will help.  Jace and Jocie definetly keep us busy with all of their appointments!  More than one outing a day is pretty exhausting - especially the appointments in which only Niki goes.  She should be getting some pretty buff shoulders and arms here soon though!  It is not easy carrying two car seats and a diaper bag! 

Niki goes back to work the week after Thanksgiving break so that will be a hurdle for us as parents to climb.  It will be very hard leaving them.  The thing Niki looks forward to though is seeing their faces every day when she gets back to work - that's what will keep her through her work day :)  In the past couple of weeks they have really began to show their different facial expressions.  The best one is when they smile at us when we get them in the morning :)  They truly are two amazing miracles and never will we have so much to be thankful for.