Thursday, August 18, 2011

We Are ALL Home!!!

11 weeks and 1 day later..........we are all home together at last!  Jace and Jocie were released from the hospital on Wednesday August 17th.  It was the best feeling to get to walk around the house holding them without cords.  So their newborn stats to their coming home stats are:
Jace:  Weight - 1 lb. 15 oz at birth and now 4 lb. 15.5 oz &  Length - 13 1/4 inches and now 18 inches
Jocie:  Weight - 1 ob. 11.5 oz at birth and now 4 lb 8 oz & Length 18 inches
AMAZING!!!  They are like huge little monsters to us now :)  We have been through so much but non of it matters when you get to have these two precious little ones at home!  Their stay in the hospital was fairly uneventful for how premature they were too - just incredible.  We are so grateful for the NICU staff who cared for them initially.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Good-Bye NICU.......Hello Pediatrics!!!

Lots, lots, lots happening in the past couple of weeks.  We FINALLY got our computer fixed so we can now update.  A first from the previous week:  we got to dress them for the first time!!!  It's amazing how much seeing them in clothes instead of just diapers in an incubator makes them seem so much more like regular babies!!!  The nurses began putting them in clothes prior to moving them out of the incubator and into the open crib which they handled well and were then able to be tranferred to the pediatric floor this past Sunday August 7th.  So as of Sunday night we now know the real sleepless nights as we stay in their room with them!!!  The room has a fold out couch for us and a little refrigerator.  The pediatric floor itself has a parent haven room with a full kitchen, T.V., computers, etc. so it makes it easier for staying their day and night.  Jace is now 4 lb. 10 oz. and Jocie is 4 lb. 4 oz.  Jocie has been having a difficult time with acid reflux issues so she has been placed on Prevacid, which is an acid blocker, in addition to being placed in a foam block that's been cut-out by the occupational therapist at Kadlec to keep her upright.  As of today (Thursday) Jace has been placed on the same medication and has received a foam block as well as he began to have lots of spitting up episodes.  The big thing now, for Jocie especially, is to gain some weight as she hasn't really gained much in the past week.  So they are going to increase her fortifier from 24 calories to 26 calories to add to the breast milk.  Crazy how much 2 calories will make a difference!!!  We are hoping between the increase in calories, the Prevacid, and the foam block she will begin to gain weight more steadily like she once was.  Jace got circumcized on Tuesday so he was on the mend for the past couple of days but has been doing well overall.  His big thing to master is pacing himself with feedings - just like a typical boy he just goes for the gusto and forgets to breathe when he eats!!!  Overall the doctor is pleased with where they are at right now and we are basically just waiting to "fine tune" some things.  As of this past Tuesday she said they could be ready to go home possibly as soon as this Saturday but hopefully not as late as Tuesay.  But, of course, the twins are in the driver's seat for that depending on how they are doing.  We are on toward the home stretch!!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

We might be rounding third!!

Real quick, Jace and Jocie have been in an open crib for the past 3 days! They are even talking about them going home late this weekend! Excitement  for sure. The timetable is not completely accurate but there is talk about them going to the pediatric floor very soon..... and a lot of kids are homeward bound soon after. We will keep you updated.