Sunday, June 12, 2011

Kangaroo Care - Times TWO!!!

We got to hold Jace last night for the first time (Saturday)!!!  I held him for the hour of kangaroo care while Cody held Jocie for the first time for the hour of kangaroo care.  I also heard Jace "cry" for the first time (they were more like those grunting/just waking up sounds).  I also changed my first diaper - with some help from the nurse - they are just so little!  Lots of firsts last night.
They were also able to successfully place the PICC line in for Jace and increase his feedings a bit as he was doing well with them.  They started the medication for Jocie's heart murmur to hopefully help the Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) which is a condition in which a blood vessel called the ductus arteriosus fails to close normally in an infant soon after birth.  Both Jace and Jocie have the condition as of now but hers continues to be loud while Jace's appears to be getting quieter.  Hopefully this will help close the valve.


  1. Thanks for your hard work on your updates! We love seeing everything going on. Such sweet little babies. What an AMAZING blessing.

    David and Lani

  2. I would love to see updated pictures of the twins!! Sending you all Love and Joy!! Love, Marta
